Tuesday, November 3, 2009

made it to the gym at least

New month, new page, new inspiration, and a new beginning. Everything is possible again.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Zatishie pred buria

Boring workouts lately - gym > cardio > gledam da izxabia at least 500 calories (ako mashinite gi brioat pravilno, keoto nikoi ne znae). that is it. Vanechka, triabva da se raznoobrazim s neshto po-fun.

Aide i post i ti neshto!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Setting definite goals.

Workout summary so far:
Mon: Yoga
Tue: Culver city stairs
Wed: Yoga

I decided to set definite goals. This way training will be more purposeful and hopefully more successful. I am planning to climb a few mountains in October and the stairs seem a good way to practise for that. I would like to be able to climb 12 times by Sep 15.
Vania it doesn't help that you have not posted anything in a while! Shame shame shame. I feel like I am talking to myself. More motivation is needed for our motivational blog.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

trying to get back into fitness

So I haven't done much in the last week or so. Going to Vegas for 4 days didn't help either. I had the genuinely good intention to work out while I was there... however the hotel decided to put one more obstacle in front of my work out - they apparently are now trying to make money out of anything. Soon I am sure even the number of steps you take on the hotel lobby floor would be associated with a fee. So to work out in their gym - I had to pay $30 ... and that is each time! I refused to do that... so ended up just lounging by the pool with a drink in my hand. What can you do when life gives you lemons we try to make a lemonade.
On the other hand yesterday I went to do the Culver city stairs. It was a good start but today I feel I should go back for more! =)
This weekend another big party awaits me - my dad's 60th b-day. Preparations, cooking, etc has been taking place for the last 2 weeks. So I don't think I will be able to resist temptation much while there. Work out is almost pretty much out of the question since the temps. goes in to 100F at 8am (and I don't see myself getting up earlier than that)... Will try harder next week.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

End of workweek, Finally!

Ok so I am had a crazy bad work week... not really bad, but just with no time at all to exercise. I actually feel super exhausted. However, today after work went to the Culver city stairs and went up and down 5 times. Feel pretty proud of myself. The goal for tomorrow or Sat is to do this 6 or 7 times. Also did a few pull ups. Beat that my friend! =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

OK - I just saw your posting and did my max of 10 push ups and 20 squats - my hands a shaking now ... sad. I will have to include the sex for today (looking at my pillow though - not very promising tonite) - she said she is tired and has head ache

Monday monday...

I think I am voting for the sex thing way to often. :)
So today 3 sets of:
- 10 pull ups
- 35 sit ups
- 15 push ups
- leg lifts

... and I also biked to work and back. not too shabby (as an old wisconsin born friend of mine used to say)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What I can to today

push ups -10
crunches - 10
squads - 20
that is pretty lame - so... the need for blogging is apperant!

Sports recap for this week

1. I discovered that climbing stairs is quite the challenge, one that I really like. Culver city stairs are better than St. Monica ones - longer and tougher + most people there didn't have fake boobs, lips, or noses - which I liked.
2. I am especially proud of this Friday - biked to work, after that did St. Monica stairs, and biked back. Was exhausted at the end but also felt totally awesome.
3. Pull-ups status - 10
4. The promise for next week is to try do some kind of sports activity for at least 20 min every day.

First post to our new motivation blog

We are starting a blog to motivate each other in obtaining higher/better sports achievements (i.e. getting up from the couch, running more than 1/2 mile, biking more than 35 miles (evredica, not tedy), etc., etc.)